
3 Qualities Most Successful Trade Show Exhibit Managers Have in Common

In general, we could populate an entire list with attributes associated to successful leaders. Consider your own qualities. Are you friendly, conversational, personable? When networking, do people flock to you? Do they shy away because you’re giving off the “back off” vibe, unknowingly of course? Have you ever stopped to think about what traits are […]

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Graphic Design tips for Small Trade Show Booth Spaces

If your company tends to exhibit in smaller booth spaces, your trade show display graphics are of the utmost importance. Booth graphics need to be both eye catching and effective, and get your message and brand across to the attendee in the 3-5 seconds it takes them to glance over your booth on the show […]

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Make your portable display setup a “sweat free” experience!

This week our blog comes to you from GraphiColor’s Assistant Production Manager, Rob Marchesotti. Thanks for the input, Rob! We recently had the opportunity to accompany one of our clients to their trade show. Our team had designed a beautiful booth for the expo, and we were also handling installation, shipping, and the dismantle of […]

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Technology brings your trade show display into the 21st Century!

In a world driven by technology, we hear often about the importance of having an updated website in order to effectively communicate your brand and your message. Your website changes and evolves to remain competitive and relevant – and so should your trade show display! Much like your website, your trade show display booth is […]

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The Hunger Games & Trade Shows: A Two-Minute Survival Guide

Ask a business owner what it’s like to be successful and they’ll tell you it’s rewarding, but tough! Between competition, economic pitfalls, social media changing the marketing and advertising scene, and consumers becoming influencers with big, loud voices… it can sometimes feel like you’re constantly fighting for it. Trade shows are a great opportunity to […]

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6 Trade Show Lessons For The Fall Season

6 Trade Show Lessons For The Fall Season It’s that time of year again! Gone are the long summer days of pool parties and ice cream, as we welcome fall and all its offerings, including a new school year! I still remember my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Silver, who was one of my favorites. (In […]

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Is there still value in exhibiting at a trade show?

All together now, YES! According to Exhibit Surveys Inc.’s annual Trade Show Trends report, exhibitors should be busy (cheering!) and planning their trade show schedule after seeing a significant industry bounce back in 2012. Sales drive business and 84% of attendees walking the trade show floor can influence the purchasing decision-maker or are the purchasing […]

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Free Design & Consultation

We’re proud to offer free exhibit design and consultation services to our clients. Our team of talented professionals can assist you with planning and executing the perfect trade show booth and display.

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